
Welcome to the submission system of Swiss Youth in Science!
To use our submission system, you must first register. Once you have registered, you can log in with your access data and participate in current events.

Current events

International Swiss Talent Forum 2025

Deadline: Oct 31, 2024, 11:59pm

Important: Please read this information before registering for this event.

18 – 22 February 2025 at Centre Loewenberg, Murten FR

The think-tank INTERNATIONAL SWISS TALENT FORUM (ISTF) provides a framework for inspired young people from Switzerland and more than 30 countries around the world to brainstorm ideas and solutions to global and long-term challenges of our time. During five intensive and eventful days, participants engage in a broad range of activities, including speeches, workshops, team building activities, social events, and the final public presentation of their results. By sharing ideas with other young people and experts from business, science, and politics, participants learn how to work in diverse and multinational teams and tackle problems using a solution-oriented approach.

For its 14th edition, the ISTF will be centered around the Topic The Future of Work.

Have we sparked your interest? Five unforgettable days await you – we look forward to your application!


National contest 2025

Deadline: Oct 31, 2024, 11:59pm

The National Contest of Swiss Youth in Science offers you the ideal opportunity to immerse yourself in your current favorite topic, to examine this scientifically to then measure yourself with young people from all over Switzerland!


Studienwoche TechXperience 2024

Deadline: Oct 31, 2024, 11:59pm

Wichtig: Bevor du dich anmeldest, lies hierzu bitte den Flyer zur Studienwoche durch.

Entdecke, Erschaffe, Erfinde: Eine Woche am Puls der Technologie

Was erwartet dich? Die einmalige Gelegenheit, während einer Woche die spannende Welt der Ingenieurwissenschaften zu erforschen. Baue deinen eigenen Roboter, konstruiere ein Brückenmodell oder entwickle smarte technische Lösungen...

Geniesse die gemeinsame Freizeit, präsentiere deine Projekte an der Abschlussveranstaltung und verbringe eine tolle Woche unter Gleichgesinnten.

2. bis 6. Dezember 2024


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